The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102274   Message #2074476
Posted By: Wordsmith
12-Jun-07 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: My Dream Car?
Subject: RE: BS: My Dream Car?
I'm with bobad and DonFirth - an MG-TD hunter green with beige interior and a black ragtop. Although a close 2nd would be the Shelby Cobra - dark green with black interior, and, third, would be the 57 T-Bird any color. I also have always wanted a 57 Chevy BelAir in torquoise and white as well as a 58 'vette in those colors also. Best car I actually had was a Ford Maverick. I'm ashamed to not recall the year.

I lived in the country where there were a lot of dairy as well as other kinds of farms. On a clear night with a full moon, at two o'clock in the morning, on my way home from work doing probably 65mph, I crested a hill on a two-laner, saw what looked like a bunch of people down at the bottom of it in the middle of the road. I plowed on the brakes and left two perfectly straight lines of rubber on the road (I checked the next day) just before glancing a cow - one of an entire herd that had gotten loose - with the driver's side rear quarter panel - not a dent to the car, nor apparently the cow or myself. I still to this day regret selling that car. Green with black leather interior. Ah, the good old days! Second-best car I owned? 1972 Datsun, fire-engine red, station wagon! Best gas mileage I ever got. ;D