The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102203   Message #2074764
Posted By: The PA
12-Jun-07 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: 23rd June Charity Day Bull Barton Beds
Subject: RE: 23rd June Charity Day Bull Barton Beds
My boss's initial is K, would this be a good chance to ask for a rise?
or would Venus enter even deeply in the shape of his boot???

I quite agree with the man from the ministry if the buggers wont fall out of trees, give the little blighters a shove.

Character building, dontchaknow.

My Tim is doing Relegious Studies GCSE as we speek. Last Friday was German, it was multiple choice he answered C for everything. In his German oral the only words he could remember were vegetarian, cheese and interesting and managed to work the whole exam around these three words. That lad will go far !!