The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20058   Message #207522
Posted By: rangeroger
05-Apr-00 - 11:53 PM
Thread Name: How do you feel about cheat sheets?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you feel about cheat sheets?
I firmly believe in "paper memory". If I'm doing a gig I try to do songs that I'm familiar with and that my neural synapses will allow me to dredge out of my "archives".My books are always near to me,however.for those songs I know only slghtly,or that I need to refresh.Plus,over the years,I have accumulated scads of sheets of notebook paper with songs on them that I had learned at one time and then not sung for a while.It"s always a pleasure to find one of these little treasures and say " I remember that song,it was agood one".And then do it again.
I've just been doing that with Elton John's "First Episode at Hienton"
Now Valerie's a wooommann.