The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102414   Message #2075390
Posted By: TRUBRIT
12-Jun-07 - 10:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone still a socialist/communist?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone still a socialist/communist?
I'm almost afraid to comment as I don't feel I have a good enuogh handle on the various definitiions but I know after years of living in the US, when asked if I would rather live here or in the UK my answer is always, here, if i am rich, and there if I am not. And oddly enough, I wouldn't mind being there, being rich, and paying my fair share of taxes to support them as are not. It is simply ludicrous to expect everyone to have the ability to take care of themselves fully -- not everyone can. Those of us who can should help contribute towards the health and well being of those who can't -- just as they contribute towards the roads we all drive on and our schools all of our kids can attend through their taxes (they just pay less taxes but out of a smaller income -- seems fair to me).

As I understand Socialism, it is just FAIRER......