The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102414   Message #2075584
Posted By: John MacKenzie
13-Jun-07 - 06:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone still a socialist/communist?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone still a socialist/communist?
I did say the 'politics' of envy, socialism as a doctrine does not equate with socialism as a political raison d'etre. It is in it's own way as much pie in the sky as real communism.
I mean New Labour calls its self a Socialist party, yet under their benevolent [to some] rule, the rich have just got richer. Our next PM is the man who abolished CGT for instance, and also removed the top rate of income tax.
Sorry but the sight of union leaders driving round in Jaguars, and cemetery workers in Liverpool refusing to bury the dead in order to get an inflation busting 9% pay rise, makes me very cynical about socialism. It appears to be something to which many so called socialists only pay lip service, while lining their pockets at our expense.
Give me an honest crook any day of the week.