The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20078   Message #207588
Posted By: Hyperabid
06-Apr-00 - 08:12 AM
Thread Name: Song Challenge Threads
Subject: Song Challenge Threads
Being pretty much a newbie to this particular forum, (how does one get rid of that soubriquet...?), I wander from thread to thread trying to work out how the whole thing works.

I understand the lyric requests and the lyric submissions and constatntly fail to put BS in front of threads that arn't about music even though I know I should. (Sorry - people).

The one place where I have really found fun is the Song Challenege Threads. They are both intellectually stimualting and a place to find a supportive, rewarding and constructive environment where you can pretty much say what you like because you're doing it in the form that brings us all here.... music. No need for vows - no flamers - no trolls.

I'd like to take the time to thank Aine for setting this all up... the dedication required to maintain the Song Challenge website and keep order amongst we honery and diverse catters must be enormous and as such so is her contribution to the Mudcat.

Also the people that keep on coming back time and time again to pry some lyrics from the most obscure stimuli - Come on! you know who you are - it's their effort that makes these threads come back and back.

Anyway enough of this backslapping - my virtual hands are getting sore.

So please come and join in if you don't already do so... I am consistently impressed by the quality of work people submit and am 100% sure there is stuff of even better quality out there.

Anyway - I'll put my soap-box away in the corner before I leave and hope to see you on the song challenge threads.
