The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102414   Message #2075896
Posted By: Piers
13-Jun-07 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone still a socialist/communist?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone still a socialist/communist?
Stigweard, your earlier analysis of capitalism is spot on. I see no reason, however, why democratic control shouldn't improve the production and distribution of goods and services over the present system.

Instead of production for profit we could have production to meets actual human needs, rather than the effective demand of the market system. This system renders a large portion of the world without basic needs of food, clothes, shelter and medical care. The fundamental priority for production in capitalism is profit and this is why attempts to tame capitalism fail to cure the fundamental problems in society, such as the ones you describe and a whole lot more.

Greed is not a factor, it is a behaviour and like aspiring to become the thin, rich, perfect mannequins, it is mainly determined by social experience. In a society of apparent shortage (but potential plenty) it is no wonder people grab as much as they can given the opportunity. One could equally say that people are not greedy enough in capitalism, why do we let bosses profit so much from our labour?

With democratically-controlled production and free access to goods and services society would be in a position to consider the non-market costs of production, such as pollution, and take action. The current system of production means there are vested interests keeping the costs 'externalised', i.e. not paying for them. Hence the resistance from the most capitalists to environmental regulations that can damage their profits.