The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102414   Message #2075946
Posted By: GUEST,ifor
13-Jun-07 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone still a socialist/communist?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone still a socialist/communist?
I dont think many people realise the high esteem the Revolution, led by Lenin and the Bolsheviks , had among many sections of working class people across the world in the months and years following 1917.
It was the Bolsheviks who had opposed the slaughter of the trenches while the social democratic and right wing parties had supported the warand the slaughter.
It was the Bolshevik Party which had overthrown the rotten and corrupt ruling class of Russia which had wanted to continue to send millions of Russians to the front often without arms or weapons or even boots.
It was the Bolsheviks who had defended the Revolution against the invading armies of the West in the months and years following 1917.
It was the Bolsheviks who appered for a brief period to offer fundamental change to millions of ordinary and poor people world wide.

This is why millions across the world including many cultural and artistic people supported the Revolution to a greater or lesser extent.
The Revolution was choked and eventually strangled by Stalin as it failed to spread to the West....Stalin was to kill or imprison all the leaders of 1917 including the great champion of the Revolution ..Trotsky.
Many of the cultural figures were supporters of the official communist line but failed to recognise that the Revolution had been replaced by a form of counter revolution by the late 1920s....and Trotsky's fight against Stalin was a lonely and unequal one right up to his assassination in 1940.
A lotta continua!