The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102414   Message #2076124
Posted By: akenaton
13-Jun-07 - 04:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone still a socialist/communist?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone still a socialist/communist?
I hate Capitalism more than anything else. It is a virulent disease to which we have developed a certain amount of immunity.
We don't see or care about the long term effect.
I was subjected in my early working life, to almost Dickensian conditions. It was Capitalism in the raw, my fellow apprentices and I were obliged to travel up to forty miles on an open lorry with no shelter even in frost and snow.

The driver stopped every twenty minutes to allow us to "thaw out".
The Boss paid off workers at regular intervals ..."To keep the rest on their toes", and unemployment in those days meant real hunger.

Before long I developed an interest in folk music, especially Woody Guthry, Pete Seeger and Leadbelly. I found I could relate to what they sang about, shared their rage at the injustice of it all.
At 17 I found a communist Party magazine called "Challenge" which had been discarded, filled in the enrollment form it contained, Sent it off to King Street and became a member of the Young Communist League.

If it had become known that I was a "Communist" I would certainly have been dismissed from my job and through the Masonic grapevine I would have been blacklisted in every building firm in the area.

The Communist ideal has coloured my life, how I've lived it and how I've treated my brothers and sisters, but as I near the end of my life I begin to realise that Socialists/Communists ignore something of great importance....Personal freedom.

Not the freedom to manipulate others in our search for wealth and power as the Capitalists do, creating markets where none exist or are required. Turning people into money making machines, and the worst thing of all, encouraging them to accept the condition...even welcome it.

But the freedom to enjoy the human feelings which we all have deep within us.
Time to enjoy the beauty around us. Time to use our minds in discussion, the satisfaction of sharing ideas.
The opportunity for women to bear and nurture children and see them grow into adults healthy in mind and body, not the parodies of today whose lives are ruled by the urge to succeed or the losers prize, drug addiction.

It seems to me that we have gone just that little bit too far down the Capitalist road to stage a recovery and that we need some great disaster either natural or more likely engineered by humanity to turn the clock back a few thousand years.

All the left "isms" depend on our willingness to sacrifice our one chance of life on this beautiful planet to the common good in some idealised never never land.

IMO humanity can only gain happiness and personal freedom in so called primitive societies where money and power are not factors in how life is lived.

Think small...organise have everything you need...Ake