The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99746   Message #2076333
Posted By: Bobert
13-Jun-07 - 09:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poverty in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Poverty in the USA
Exactly, AWG... Cuttin' off funding for programs that were originally deisgned to help fight poverty won't get us there...

We need to reinvest in our own citizens, especially the 1 in 5 kids who live in poverty...

There were 21 million women living in poverty in 2005 and there are more now... Most of these women had at least one child and a large percenttage of those who had children had more than one child... That is one heck of a lot of poor women and kids...

This is the reason that I have harped on the importance of child care subsidies to help women who are playing be the rules and working crappy jobs paying crappy wages...

This is doable and affordable...

The Washington Post reports that about $100B a year in tax revenmue is being hidden in places like the Caymen Islands... Less than 20% of that would shore up our nations child care needs...

The US is about the only civilized (???) nation that does not recognize that caring for our children is part of the entire "family values" package... We do not even have a law on the books that says women should be given paid leave when the bay is born... Evey Europen country has such a law in place...

I mean, here wwe have these self-appointed, self-rightous rigth wigers going arounf blowin' crap about how they are for family values but when it come to "walkin' the walk" these creeps walk it like a man with no legs???

Makes me sick that stupid rednecks actually believe these anti-family bigots and actually vote for these anti-family bigots because these anti-family bigots bash gay people???

Only in Redneck America...

Go figure and while yer figurin'...

... beam me up...
