The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20078   Message #207659
Posted By: Áine
06-Apr-00 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: Song Challenge Threads
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
Dear Hyp,

Thanks for the plug for the SONG CHALLENGE! -- You're right, we've got some great songwriters here at the Mudcat, even if they don't know it yet!

For the 'newbies' around here -- I started the CHALLENGE!s to help motivate all you 'Catters to start writing songs -- whether you'd stopped writing OR never had written a song in your life. The ideas and/or subjects are usually funny, but we do have our thoughtful side from time to time. It's a fun way to rev up that brain engine and see what you can come up with -- Everyone's a winner on the Challenge! threads.

If you'd like to check out what other folks have come up with, please take a look at the SONG CHALLENGE! WINNERS PAGE. And if you haven't seen it already, please check out the rest of the Mudcat Songbook.

It's an open invitation to all Mudcatters to put some more music out there in the world and have a good time doing it. Come on and jump in the pond with the rest of us -- the water's fine!

-- Áine