The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99746   Message #2077262
Posted By: Janie
14-Jun-07 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poverty in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Poverty in the USA
I'm really encouraged to hear what you are saying Mick. I have reached the point where I tend to be sceptical about the intent and good will of the chief muckymucks of most large organizations, including Unions. It is important to hear from within the labor movement what is fomenting there, and to get a better idea of how well the orginal values and mission are being expressed by the institutional union in the field, where the actual work is done.

Radical change needs to happen in this country. No matter who gets elected to national office in the next election, the tendency will be to consolidate and preserve the established power structure. The pressure for changw will have to build from without and from the bottom.

This will occur only if real information makes it into public awareness, and not just official statements from organizational representatives.
