The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99746   Message #2078348
Posted By: Big Mick
15-Jun-07 - 09:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poverty in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Poverty in the USA
***CHUCKLE*** Typical academic. AWG's response to my arguments is that I am so biased that I can't be taken seriously. I suppose that I could say the same of you. You are so pro management that you can't possibly be unbiased. Pretty weak, Prof. What really bothers you is that I won't let you just pass off perceptual biases that have been used against the unions by management for a long time. One of the reasons I win so many union organizing elections is that I inoculate the workers against the half truths, misperceptions, and outright lies used by management consultants to get workers to vote against there own self interests. I let them know early on what they will hear, and tell them the truth of it. I don't seek to shield them from the facts about what is wrong with labor. I let them see that when one balances the plus' and the minus', they are always better off with a voice in the workplace. And try as you might to convince folks that we are a dying breed, you should realize that our demise has been proclaimed many times. But a righteous ideal cannot be killed.

Dickey, you have a problem with overhead? What the hell kind of capitalist are you? Or is overhead a bad thing only when it comes to unions?

Try as you might, you cannot deal in facts. You just keep throwing out these tired old management lies. Here is one you can check out. Check the financial bonding rates for union officials as compared to virtually all parts of society.   And especially among business owners. We have one of the lowest rates out there. What does that mean? It means that the risk of loss due to malfeasance or criminal activy, as calculated by scientists known as actuaries, is among the lowest in the nation. So much for your attempts to brand us as thiefs and wasters of our members money.

We are not perfect. We have among us those that don't represent the workers well, take exorbitant salaries, and shouldn't be a part of our movement. I know this from first hand experience as I just came out of a fight of over a year with one of these. But when you compare our ranks with those that would see us gone, we do very well.

Yeah, I am a Union Man. Proud of it.
