The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3804   Message #20785
Posted By: Valdy
06-Feb-98 - 05:02 AM
Thread Name: Valdy-songs and the man
Subject: RE: Valdy-songs and the man
Greetings, Gary Fjellgaard wrote +Me and Martin+, and since I play a 1951 D-28, I felt justified in covering it. My main songwriting partner is Dr. Bob Ruzicka; we've co-written many fine tunes, and I've covered a few of his earlier tunes, including +Yes I Can+ and +Dirty Old Man+. Thanks for your interest. I'll get a site up within a month. Point your digital hounds towards by mid to late March. I'm off to the Folk Alliance conference in Memphis on Monday, after playing a +Power Aid+ concert at the Corel Centre in Ottawa on Sunday the 8th. A strobe tuner (Peterson make them, and so do Conn) have an adjustable vernier, so you can tune the tuner to a pitch form an harmonica, or a piano, or a tape, i.e. to something that is non-adjustable, and then tune your guitar or whatever to the adjusted tuner. It's not unlike an orchestra tuning to an oboe. If that oboe is off, the orchestra will not be in A440, and the pianist will have to sit the gig out. Ciao, Valdy