The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102414   Message #2078796
Posted By: akenaton
16-Jun-07 - 03:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone still a socialist/communist?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone still a socialist/communist?
"Somewhere in the middle of all this is a solution everybody COULD live with, if only they would consider long term self interest," (Don)

There is no solution where Capitalism is concerned.
It is Capitalism versus the planet....and nature always wins in the long term.
To survive, Capitalism requires ever increasing sales of services and manufactured goods. this requires ever increasing supplies of energy and the environmental problems which accompany that energy use.

Put simply, Capitalism needs continued development. Capitalism funds that development and that development has in a few hundred years put the long term future of humanity and thousands of other species of plants and animals at grave risk.

The unsustainable lifestyle which we are encouraged to aspire to...houses, cars, unlimited credit, gadgets which become obsolete in months,mean that our lives are controlled by the need to work harder and longer undoing all rights and conditions that our fathers and grandfathers fought the Capitalists for.

There is no solution other than dismantling this slave owning society and starting again.