The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102082 Message #2079615
Posted By: Rowan
17-Jun-07 - 10:26 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Game as Ned Kelly
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Game as Ned Kelly
In the late 60s I travelled the Hume Hwy a lot while building the MUMC hut on Feathertop and other snow and ice exploits in the Oz Alps. I had a quite large beard and, when on one occasion I called in at the Glenrowan pub, I was accosted as soon as I stepped into the bar and challenged about taking the mickey out of Ned Kelly with my beard. To my amazement, the guy seemed serious. Thinking quickly, I explained that my name was Rowan, wouldn't dream of taking the mickey out of Ned Kelly, but suggested I could take the mickey out of Mad Dog Morgan if he liked. This seemed acceptable.
Actually, just south of Glenrowan, all the different versions of the Hume Highway are preserved for a short stretch; there is the unsealed bit from the 50s, the sealed version of the 60s alongside it and the current Freeway version not far away alongside them both.