The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102470   Message #2079915
Posted By: stallion
18-Jun-07 - 10:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Breast feeding in public
Subject: RE: BS: Breast feeding in public
I suppose it is an "Eye of the beholder" thing. there are some truly wonderous sights and the serenity and Joy of a nursing mother a babe is one of them, it is such a beautiful thing and I was, I suppose, a tad envious that I was excluded from that particular activity with our three kids. If I ever see it happening I get a warm rosy yummy feeling, it seems the most natural thing in the world, and most, if not all, mothers are discreet enough that one would have to stare pretty hard to get a glimpse of any "busty substances" so who would want to do that. The world has moved on ( well that old puritan / victorian world) and mums can now incorporate breast feeding in their daily lives without hiding away and why shouldn't they.