The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19866   Message #208044
Posted By: Mbo
06-Apr-00 - 09:29 PM
Thread Name: TAVERN STEAMBOAT:The Albert Hansell Pt.2
Subject: RE: TAVERN STEAMBOAT:The Albert Hansell Pt.2
All thoughts of horror and worry about the medallion, and it's many look-a-likes fled from his mind as he sought to catch Miss Montesquieu before she fell to the ground. Caught her he did, a gently lowered her to the deck. He got down on on knee, propping the unconscious Miss Barky up in a sitting position and began rubbing her wrists to try to get the blood flowing into rosy cheeks once more. He looked up and around with an air of consternation. So many medallions...but which one was the REAL one? "I should have known this would all come down on me one day! What a fool am I!" He though sadly.

--Slick Philly Matt