The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20112   Message #208136
Posted By: Barky
07-Apr-00 - 12:34 AM
Thread Name: Luck to Barky
Subject: Luck to Barky
Hey everyone. I'm leaving tomorrow to go to the Fullerton Jazz Festival with the band that I helped start, the SDB&E (San Diego Brass and Electric). It's our first competition, and we're all giddy. I hope everyone's blessings and love. Just for reference, here's our song list (actually, we play more than this, but this is what we're playing at the competition):

1. Sing Sing Sing
2. Summertime
3. A Night in Tunisia

I've got at least one solo in every piece, so I'm especially nervous. If we get pictures taken, I'll send 'em in to bbc's photo page. They aughta be good. So wish us luck!

~Barky (trumpet 1, SDB&E)