The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28452   Message #2082616
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Jun-07 - 06:05 PM
Thread Name: Dec 7th is 59th Anniversary
Subject: RE: Dec 7th is 59th Anniversary
It is a common device of all oppressive governments to get their people to fixate upon some distant "evil" enemy...even one from 50 or 150 years ago...while pretending that their own hands are as clean as the driven snow.

That is what I object to, wherever I encounter it. If I was living in Japan, I would object to it there. I am not living in Japan, I am living in North America. The first place one needs to confront hypocrisy and coverups is in one's own home, because that is the place where one has to live and put up with the direct consequences of such behaviour.

I am not striking a moral equivalency between past American and Japanese misdeeds at all. I am not striking a moral equivalency between any particular nations or atrocities of the past. I am dealing with confronting evil, propaganda, and hypocrisy where it counts the most for me...on my own home turf. Here in North America.

Were I a Japanese, I would deal with it first on my own home turf in Japan. That is one's duty as an awake and responsible citizen. You gets me nowhere obsessing about what evil was done by Japanese or Germans more than 50 years ago. It's just rechewing old oatmeal. It's one more time around the wornout mulberry bush.

I would be delighted if the Japanese would have the honesty to tell their schoolchildren what really happened. I would be delighted if the Americans would do the same for their children! But no....they'd all rather just go on pretending that everything bad in the world always comes from "the other guy", wouldn't they? From Osama. From Saddam. From the Commies. From Castro. From the Devil. But NEVER from the guys in suits who send you out to kill for them. Uh-uh. The Great Oz must remain hidden behind the screen of self-serving propaganda at all times.

Gotta keep those innocent kids on the American home front fooled, "undertheradar", just like the kids in Japan are fooled, in case you need 'em to go out someday and kill some more foreigners on your behalf...

That's what the poor suckers are doing right now, as a matter of fact. They're young, strong, ill-informed, and primed for disaster...just like the young Japanese were back in '41.