The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79888   Message #2082805
Posted By: GUEST
21-Jun-07 - 12:37 AM
Thread Name: Favourite Country title
Subject: RE: Favourite Country title
. . . and John Prine had some other catchy lines in "Sam Stone" like

"Little pitchers have big ears"
"Sam Stone . . .was alone . . . when he popped his last balloon"

His humor continued with songs like "Dear Abby", the one about " Hari Krishna Beauregard", another about the lonely soldier who fell in love with Lydia, the big fat gal in the theater ticket window, etc.

Was it the Stanley Brothers who did those classics such as:

"Grandpa Fell Asleep and the Hogs Ate Him"


"Son, Get Up and Light the Lamp, I Think I Knocked One of Your Maw's Eyeballs Out"

Then there was the megahit:

"(I Cannot Hear You With These) Beans In My Ears!"

etc., etc., etc., ad nausem!
