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Thread #102668   Message #2082983
Posted By: GUEST,Bob Coltman
21-Jun-07 - 08:12 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: wives of henry the 8th
Still no luck in finding the "12 Days of Christmas" Henry VIII six wives parody.

The only other thing I've been able to find is the following two versions of "The Truth About the Tudors"


Verses co-written by 5AD, Rhodes Avenue Primary School

Cho:   On the twenty second of August, fourteen eighty five,
Out went the House of York; the Tudors had arrived.
They fought the Battle of Bosworth with courage and with pride,
Out went the House of York; the Tudors had arrived.

Henry the Seventh was first in the Tudor line,
He took the crown from Richard the Third with a swish of his sword so fine.
The monarchy was strapped for cash when Henry reached the throne,
With good financial strategy, he brought the bacon home.
When he wrote his will he made it very clear,
That monks should sing his praises year after year, after year, after year.

Henry the Eighth was six feet tall, and almost just as wide,
He fathered lots of children, but only three survived.
Hunting, sport and music were pastimes he enjoyed,
But if you disagreed with him, he really got annoyed!
He had six wives –
Catherine of Aragon – divorced
Anne Boleyn – beheaded
Jane Seymour – died
Ann of Cleves – divorced
Katherine Howard – beheaded
Catherine Parr – survived!

Before Anne Boleyn was beheaded one healthy child she bore,
Elizabeth the Virgin Queen was really good at war.
She beat the Spanish Armada with power on her mind,
And good old Walter Raleigh at the helm of the Golden Hind.
She ruled for over forty years, was never seen to blush,
She had a clever relative who invented the toilet flush!

THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TUDORS, alternative version

Verses co- written by Sapphire Class, Year 4, Muswell Hill Primary School

Cho: On the twenty second of August, fourteen eighty five,
Out went the House of York; the Tudors had arrived.
They fought the Battle of Bosworth with courage and with pride,
Out went the House of York; the Tudors had arrived.

Do you know about Henry the Eighth? Luckily we do,
We'd like to tell you about him and his six wives too.
When he found he couldn't divorce he thought the problem through
Then he got rid of the Catholic Church and took all its money too. Ooh Henry!
Catherine of Aragon, divorced; Anne Boleyn, beheaded; Jane Seymour, died;
Ann of Cleves, divorced; Katherine Howard, beheaded;Catherine Parr, survived.

Don't complain about your school, 'cos Tudor ones were worse
Kids were whipped with canes and sticks, the blisters must have hurt! Ouch!
After Tudor tutoring when lessons all were done
They found some time for fun and games in the sizzling Tudor sun
They played cards, cricket, hopscotch, chess,tennis, marbles,
Hoop and stick, cup and ball, football with a pig's bladder! Yuck!

They used to wear enormous ruffs, much wider than their heads
They must have been quite glad to take them off to go to bed
They smeared on their make-up to make themselves look young
Instead of brushes or powder-puffs, they used a cow's tongue! Urgh!
Elizabeth the First was never seen to blush,
She had a clever relative who invented the toilet flush!