The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102601   Message #2083434
Posted By: BB
21-Jun-07 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: Quicksilver @ Shammick Acoustic, N. Devo
Subject: RE: Quicksilver @ Shammick Acoustic, N. Devo
Thanks for your support, people. We need to make the first couple of guest nights a success if we want to continue booking guests in 2008. We've a wonderfully supportive landlord in our new venue, but it's still at the experimental stage there. The pub is renowned locally for its selection of real ales, and for good and reasonably priced pub food, which is available in good time before the start of the evening. All of which gives us real hope for the future.

Kitty, you could always come down for a weekend sometime, and include a Saturday night at the club. You'd be very welcome.
