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Thread #102658   Message #2083441
Posted By: GUEST,Gza
21-Jun-07 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
Subject: RE: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
Well, Ron, I am pleased that you are open to some of the possibilities I mentioned about Kennedy's assassination. Yes, I made some assumptions about what you were thinking, as best I could, and apparently some of my assumptions about what you were thinking were wrong. That often happens. It's very hard to know exactly what another person is thinking on the basis of a few brief statements he makes on an internet forum, and one naturally makes best one can. One tries to determine what the other person is thinking.

Now don't be ungratious, okay? ;-D You said (with what sounds to me kind of like a cry of triumphant delight):

"You proved that you are making assumptions and read what you want to read."

Gosh! How shocking! Yes, of course I made assumptions. Everyone makes assumptions. What I want to read, Ron, is not necessarily what you think I want to read. You are making your own assumptions about that, and they may also be faulty. What I really want to read is that everyone in the world has finally found out exactly what happened in Dallas and on 911 too...and here is the absolute proof...and here are the signed confessions of the guilty...and no one disputes any of it any longer. That's what I want to read. I want to read that all the wars have ended, and all the soldiers are coming home. I want to read that no one is attacking anyone any longer. But I won't live long enough to ever see that happen.

Who among us is omnisicient? Not I. If I were, I would never need to make any assumptions at all, would I? If you were omniscient, you wouldn't need to either. We both make assumptions, Ron. We both err sometimes in those assumptions. That's life.

As you said, "none of us really know, and probably will never know for certain". Right. We merely suspect this or we suspect that or we suspect the other thing.

Still, it's bloody annoying to hear other people who also don't know what happened making their usual dumb smartass jokes about tinfoil hats in the middle of what ought to be a serious discussion. They enjoy ridiculing others for suspecting what they don't suspect, but the fact is...they don't know. No more than you or I do. Nobody here knows for sure, we merely have our various suspicions.