The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102658   Message #2083551
Posted By: Don Firth
21-Jun-07 - 07:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
Subject: RE: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
I am willing to believe something if I am offered some substantial proof, not just suppositions, no matter how firmly, passionately, and frequently stated. Do I believe it's possible that what GUEST-of-the-many-names keeps posting over and over and over again might be true? I believe that it is within the realm of the possible. But I also believe that it is highly unlikely.

The Bush administration blamed Saddam Hussein when most of the rest of the world blamed Osama din Laden and al Qaeda. Now, here's a thought that all of our hard-charging conspiracy theorists might consider:

Did it ever occur to you that the Bush administration is bloody clueless?

They have been flat caught--and easily so--in so many bits of hanky-panky, cheating, double-dealing, and flagrant incompetence that it stretches credibility beyond the point of the bizarre to think they could have organized something as diabolically complex as what the 9/11 conspiracy theorists claim.

After watching them in action for the past seven years, it should be fairly obvious to anyone who's been paying attention that the troupe of clowns known popularly as the Bush administration isn't sufficiently competent to organize a Halloween prank like pushing over an outhouse without tripping over their own feet and flopping into the pit themselves.

Don Firth