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Thread #102658   Message #2083657
Posted By: GUEST,sooo sweet
21-Jun-07 - 10:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
Subject: RE: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
George Schultze, James Baker, Henry Kissinger, etc....hardly incompetents.

And Peter T., 9/11 is the event that led to our wholesale loss of rights. It is the event that everyone remembers, so it is the event that needs to be highlighted. No one can remember that we lost habeas corpus in the John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007, but everyone remembers GWBush saying we're going to get Ossama bin Laden for 9/11. Expose the big lie and all the others will be exposed too.

The 9/11 proof of government involvement is so overwhelming, and it just keeps piling up higher every day. Just yesterday Judicial Watch got FBI documents showing that the bin Laden family was allowed to skip the country after 9/11. The govt's been denying this up til now:

Anyway, Steven Jones' article on the thermate spheres is on the web if anyone wants to read the research paper. The link below leads to a page with a video of him presenting the evidence. Lots of other interesting and damning stories at the link too.

9/11 Debunkers Hide From Slam Dunk Evidence Of Controlled Demolition

Electron microscope analysis of steel spheres from WTC site proves thermate, proves collapse of twin towers was an act of deliberate arson.

Professor Steven Jones presented brand new and compelling evidence for the controlled demolition of the twin towers and WTC 7 recently, but the 9/11 debunkers and the corporate media are loathe to tackle it because it represents a slam dunk on proving the collapse of the buildings was a deliberate act of arson.

Jones detailed his lab experiments in which he attempted to replicate NIST's conclusion that the lava like orange material flowing out of the south tower is aluminum from Flight 175, the plane that hit the building. Jones clearly documents the fact that liquid aluminum is silver and not orange as is seen in the video of the south tower, therefore the material cannot be aluminum. Jones then explains that the material is in fact a compound that can cut through steel like a hot knife through butter, thermite with sulphur added to make thermate.

The crux of the fresh evidence revolves around newly uncovered globules or spheres that were discovered at the WTC site that Professor Jones was able to obtain and run a electron microscope analysis on.

The spheres contained iron and aluminum, which would be expected in any steel sample, but also sulphur which is a by-product of a thermate reaction.

So having moved from a hypothesis that thermate was used to bring down the towers from using video footage and debunking the aluminum explanation of NIST, Jones now has empirical scientific proof, undertaken under laboratory conditions, that thermate was indeed used as an artificial explosive at the World Trade Center.