The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102703   Message #2083737
Posted By: GUEST,dianavan
22-Jun-07 - 02:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Great White Father knows best...? (Australia)
Subject: RE: BS: Great White Father knows best...?
I am crying with you hilda fish.

I also wonder why it is that people do not stand up and protest.

I've also noticed that when someone does, a few people in the crowd actually sneer while the rest of them look at the ground. What is that about? Is it shame or is it that they are afraid that if they protest that they too will become targets.

I think its because most people are living in fear and the government exploits that fear and turn it into power. I wonder when all people (regardless of colour) will realize that their strength depends on them standing together. Those who think that they are 'staying out of it' are passively supporting the status quo.

The Australian government is truly backwards. Some of the ideas may not be so bad but if they think they can make it law without consultating the community, they are simply dictators. What is worse is that it won't work. It will cost alot of money and only increase the alienation of the aboriginal community.