The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19895   Message #208423
Posted By: Fedele
07-Apr-00 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Osteria Numero Mille (Italian pub song)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Osteria numero mille -Italian pub so
I was ASKED to write down these "songs". I'm not so vulgar unless you ask me... I'm from Grosseto (half-way between Rome and Florence) but I live in Pisa now. All these cretin songs are sung on the beginning of a famous Sixties Italian pop-song, "I Vatussi", by Edoardo Vianello. I cant't play anything but the fool so I can't give you the tune, sorry. I know only the beginning of another Osteria: Osteria del Vaticano, esce il Papa col cazzo in mano, that is: Vatican tavern, here comes out the Pope with his dick in his hand. "Give me some sex" is a correct translation, but "dammela a me" means "give that thing to me" so it's a bit less explicit. Remember that "dammeLA" is feminine, so it could be also traslated as "give HER to me". You caught the sense, however. Dearest Callie, I know a LOT of Italian folk songs, mostly political, and Bella Ciao is perhaps the most famous and maybe the first I learned as a child. If anyone is interested in these songs, start a thread and I'll be very pleased.