The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77953   Message #2084520
Posted By: Bobert
22-Jun-07 - 08:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: How soon next American Civil War ?
Subject: RE: BS: How soon next American Civil War ?
Ahhhhh, sorry, folks.... I have been way too busy workin' and having busted computer and didn't realize that I was being beckoned...

But now that I am beckoned....

Okay, it should be obvious to anyone somewhat familiar with American history that the Civil War (which it wasn't) happened under Lincoln's watch...

With that painfully obvious fact, it would have taken a **great*** leader to avert the War for Southern Independence... A leader who was willing to take the trip to Charleston, S.C.... A leader not so full of testesterone and sabre rattling that he wouldn't have made it a ***point*** to try to resupply Fort Sumpter...

This is what great leaders do... Lincoln was the Goerge Bush of his time... He didn't make every effort to sooth... He allowed the country to split at the seems...

This is not what great leaders do...

I do not glorify a single battle of death of this debackle... This was the US's greatest failure... I don't go to the battlefields because it disgusts me... I do not buy into this glory thing... There was no glory in seeing Americans killing Americans...

Lincoln could have averted this... He even could have sat down with Jefferson Davis and said, "Okay, let's talk..."

He didn't... Just like Bush won't talk with Hammas... Or the Syrians....

Pride??? Yeah...

Stubborness??? Yeah...

War has never solved any single problem... Thay all end with one side figuring out that it should have talked with the other... No exceptions here...

Lincoln made the historically incorrect decison...

You folks may want to glorify the heck outta the War for Southern Independence-Civil War but 20,000 Americans were either killed or wounded at Antietam in one day by other Americans...

Yeah, anyone who wants to believe in the mythology that Lincon was a great leader, have at it...

...but leave thias hillbilly ouuta the Lincoln/ Civil War worship band wagon...

I'll walk, thank you...
