The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102753   Message #2084992
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
23-Jun-07 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: Anti-genre songs
Subject: RE: Anti-genre songs
Ewan MacColl's "The Space Girl's Song," as sung and recorded by Peggy Seeger:

My mama told me I should never venture into space
But I did, I did, I did
She said no Terran girl could trust the Martian race
But I did, I did, I did
A rocket pilot asked me on a voyage to go
And I was so romantic I just couldn't say no
That he was just a servo-robot how was I to know?
So I did, I did, I did...

That counts twice, because Ewan was also sending up his own rather dour and serious image.