The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102635   Message #2085051
Posted By: John Hardly
23-Jun-07 - 04:10 PM
Thread Name: Salman Rushdie - Outrage.
Subject: RE: Salman Rushdie - Outrage.
Christian fundamentalists don't believe there is anything one could do to hasten Armaggedon. I went to a fundamentalist elementary school. I went to a fundamentalist junior high. I went to a fundamentalist high school. I went to a fundamenmtalist college. I attended fundamentalist seminary classes. I NEVER ONCE heard anyone talk of even the remotest possiblity that ANYTHING man EVER did would hasten Armaggedon or the second coming of Jesus.

I consistantly heard it taught that the end times would come "as a thief in the night", and "of that hour knoweth no man".

If there was talk about end times being near, it was always in the context of where we MIGHT be on the prophetic timeline. It was NOT speculated as though there was anything we could do about it -- other than prepare our hearts and be living the kind of lives we'd want to living when caught by surprise by Jesus' return.

The first time I heard anyone even claim this of fundamentalism (that we were out to hasten the end times) was here on mudcat and by Bill Moyers who extrapolated the beliefs of a christian-related cult over the whole of fundamentalism in order to rile up his viewer to his anti-christian sentiment.