The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102635   Message #2085451
Posted By: Teribus
24-Jun-07 - 07:04 AM
Thread Name: Salman Rushdie - Outrage.
Subject: RE: Salman Rushdie - Outrage.
HELLO! Dianavan, I believe that Robomatic was referring to the situation as exists today when he stated:

A) Tolerance of other faiths to the extent of accepting that other people believe and practise differently.
B) Relaxation or elimination of state control of religion or state religion.
C) Acceptance (or toleration) of the methods and results of the scientific approach. - Robomatic

So your questions are irrelevant and only serve to show how the west has progressed.

1) "If the west is so enlightened and/or reformed, why did the Christian Brothers sexually abuse all those heathen Indian kids? Why was it unlawful to practice the ghost dances?"

Note use of past tense - "why did" and "why was"

2) "Why were the Protestants and Catholics in Ireland fighting?"

Fallacy, the fighting in Ireland was deliniated not by religion but by political aspiration - Nationalist/Republican V Unionist. I have met and known both Protestants and Catholics who were supporters of both sides.

3) "Why did the holocaust occur?"

Again past tense, and exactly how many of them has there been?

4) "Why is polygamy outlawed?"

In and around Salt Lake City Dianavan how many wives can a Morman have?

5) "Why has stem cell research been curtailed?"

Stem cell research has been curtailed where dianavan? Throughout the western world? How much stem cell research is being carried out in Islamic countries? Is it ultimately being carried out to benefit mankind?

6) "Why are women denied the choice of abortion?"

Are women throughout the western world denied the choice of abortion? Somehow don't think so dianavan, certainly not on this side of the pond

7) "Why are homosexuals denied same-sex marriage?"

Are they?

Now then dianavan take a look at the state of things in all those wonderfully enlightened Islamic countries and come back to us on the points made by Robomatic and yourself.

Dianavan I bet the number of homosexuals who got stoned in sunny California, or down there in Florida at anyone time was quite high. A number of them also got stoned in Saudi Arabia and Iran - but it was not quite the same thing.