The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102753   Message #2085794
Posted By: EuGene
24-Jun-07 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: Anti-genre songs
Subject: RE: Anti-genre songs
Well let's see, would that little thing they would sing on "Hee Haw" that had the line somewhat to the effect of "I looked up and Phhhhht! you were gone" be considered an anti-love song?

Also, how about one that is both an anti-love song and a parody of another song, such as:

"You were my sunshine,
'till you drank my moonshine.
You'll never know dear,
How much I loathe you.
. . . ? . . .
So, please do drag my sunshine away."

Those two little parts are all I can remember and I don't know who sang it.

Then, a few years ago there was a C&W song entitled something like "How a Cowgirl Says Goodbye" that had a video (on country music's twin to MTV) where the girl kicked the cowboy out, threw a duffel bag of his stuff out on the ground, then ran over the duffle bag as she drove off in his pickup (with his horse and trailer hitched behind) leaving him standing beside the road. A really neat song with a "cut 'em no slack" video (was she a sister to Willie Nelson's "don't cross him, don't boss him" Red Headed Stranger) Definitely an anti-love song, just not quite as mean as "Goodbye, Earl".   Eu