The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100129   Message #2086433
Posted By: jacqui.c
25-Jun-07 - 10:29 AM
Thread Name: Old Songs Festival 2007, who's going?
Subject: RE: Who's going to Old Songs 2007?
OK - more.

Personally, I needed to clone myself to cover everything I wanted to hear. I spent most of the time following the likes of Enoch Kent, Louis Killen and Sara Grey around from location to location.

Sara was accompanied by her son, Kieran Means, a guy with a good voice and great guitar work. To hear the two of them together was wonderful. They're up in Maine in the next few days - google Sara Grey for details.

Enoch and Louis were in fine form and very entertaining. Louis did a song in Geordie dialect and, even knowing the dialect a little, even I could only understand about a third of what he was saying.

Herdman Hills Mangsten produced some amazing harmonies that were a joy to listen to. Finest Kind were brilliant, as usual. (Think they would come for a house concert in South Portland?) I enjoyed Danny Spooner's contributions - that guy can change from broad Cockney to Strine at the drop of a hat.

Emma's Revolution did a workshop on Secrets of a Healthy Voice, which was very interesting and left me with some exercises that I am sure will raise Kendall's eyebrow. Anything to improve the voice though!

The weather turned out pretty well, although Kendall had to roll up the awning to prevent the rig from taking off into the wild blue yonder.

All in all another wonderful time. This was the first American folk festival Kendall took me to in 2004 and Old Songs will always have a place in my heart. Long may it continue.