The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19866   Message #208693
Posted By: katlaughing
07-Apr-00 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: TAVERN STEAMBOAT:The Albert Hansell Pt.2
Subject: RE: TAVERN STEAMBOAT:The Albert Hansell Pt.2
Aside: You all have inspired me. In cyberspace I can do anything, right? a few moments of lucidity/insanity, I let loose before another prescribed lie down! Hang onto yer hats and all parts fore and aft and nether regions! (Sorry if I've lost track of everyone and what thye were supposed to be doing!) luvakat...

As the hullabaloo of shots rang out, bodies fell overboard, vellum papers were flag-woven, kestrels and woman blended in mindspeak, Actors emoted, Captains plotted a course; amid all of this, Miss Sara Belle Fontaine came to in a flash. With no one focussed on her, she looked about, gave a grim nod to herself and the mojo woman, and with a flash of true scene-changning alarcity, she flung her Southern belle, hooped ring skirt and shirtwaist from her body, revealing the silken pajama trousers and mandarin jacket of a Chinese Dragon Fighter.

"Aiiiieeeee!" she cried and with a menacing glare she took a stance of readiness, with steel fan and long flute in either hand. "All of you imposters and hellish heathens back off! Line yourselves against that wall and toss your medallions into the center of the table! Now! I say!" And at that, she flung a warning death star just above the head of the dissipated actor.

Nodding to the mojo woman, she watched as the kestrel picked out the holographic medallion, bringing it to her in a low and fast flight, skimming the heads of all who stood in total shock.

In cool, deadly calmness, she laughed sardonically, < "Ha! And "yew-all" thought I was just a lil ole Souterh belle! Oh I am my daddy's daughter, but he raised me in the Far East, knowing I would have to be prepared for this day, knowing the Red Heron devil's league would find all of the true heirs of the Pied-Chat and try to destroy us! I tell you now...those of us who are real will mark this day as a day of glory and pride, for we will be proven and held in the highest of esteem for all our days and beyond to regions future. Step forward all ye who bear the true sign, as I do!" Thrusting her arms high into the air, the loose silken sleeves slid down to reveal the intertwining tattoos of identical black cats, intertwining in luxurious fashions the length of her forearms, green eyes flashing with an uncanny spark, muscles rippling with every movement of her arms. Thus it was the Sign of the Chat!!