The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100129   Message #2087000
Posted By: GUEST,DonMeixner
25-Jun-07 - 10:33 PM
Thread Name: Old Songs Festival 2007, who's going?
Subject: RE: Who's going to Old Songs 2007?
Jeri tells me that the roving photog was about the barn during the Ballad Singing. Don't be surprised if you see a dozing silversmith on the Old Songs Website. The Ballads were fine, I was a victim of Jet Lag after a week in Arizona and driving into New York the day before. Honest and true. I was listening intently and singing along but Jeri insists I was snoring.

Danny Spooner just blows me away. His dynamic voice and unorthodox concertina style are such a perfect match for the songs he chooses.
I am sorry I missed him singing Anderson's Coast this year.

I swapped a few songs in Kendall and Jacqui's motor home on Saturday nite. Drank Kendall's Bushmill's.

Bought a new CD from John Roberts and Hollowfox gifted me a cassette song by the great blues interpretor, Poor Howard Stith.

Spoke too briefly with Animeterra, BBC, Maine Dog, EBarnacle, SusanDT,Dick Greenhouse, Sandy. I also saw some old friends from The Salt City Songminers.

I would wax more eloquent but I seem to have lost my muse at the moment.

