The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102846   Message #2087934
Posted By: Amergin
27-Jun-07 - 12:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spark Plug Ceramics Breaking Windows
Subject: BS: Spark Plug Ceramics Breaking Windows
I have had one hell of a day. I go out to my car this morning and found my car was broken into. The passenger side was busted in. The bastard stole my mp3 player and apparently I had my wallet in there as well...and so I spent all day on the phone, getting everything sorted out. A cop came out and found pieces of ceramic chipped off a spark plug amongst the glass. He told me the cretins use them to shatter car windows, and that it is almost silent. My question is, how does this work? I have looked on the net and got no clear answers, so I am hoping some one here knows. How can some shit head junkie break windows without anyone hearing it?