The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102846 Message #2088622
Posted By: Greg B
27-Jun-07 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spark Plug Ceramics Breaking Windows
Subject: RE: BS: Spark Plug Ceramics Breaking Windows
What's the issue with syringes? We have horses so we have syringes. You can't wait for the vet on a colic, you have to inject them with the stuff to relax their gut ASAP. You also need to do it from time to time when the farrier or horse-dentist (you don't want to know about this one) visit.
If you're one of the 1-in-10 with diabetes, you have syringes and needles (which is where the fishermen get them). But you can buy the OTC (over the counter) at serious farm supply outlets. I have to laugh when I see they're supposedly controlled items.
The only time a cop can hassle you for syringes is when they find something worthy of injection.
Then again, I also occasionally carry around 'horsey downer' so maybe I'm a sitting duck. Though I can't imagine how little of this stuff that puts a 1000# animal to sleep wouldn't just kill a human would be.