The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102423   Message #2088912
Posted By: TheSnail
28-Jun-07 - 06:54 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Appleby Horse Fair: A Tradition Too Far?
Subject: RE: Folklore: Appleby Horse Fair: A Tradition Too Far?
Rational debate is obviously pointless so here are a few random thoughts.


The comments on both sides of the argument are interesting.

        ....and a refreshing change. Good to see someone actually talking to the travellers instead of just regarding them as an amorphous mob. The PA's response was sadly predictable.

The PA

We have two at the moment. One pony had the crap beaten out of her for fun by 'travellers' in the East Anglia area.

And the other one? Not 'travellers' or you would have said so.

Of course more horses die in racing and eventing, there are more race meetings and events than there are horse fairs. That's obvious.

So far on the "evidence" produced, 2 or 3 deaths at Appleby over the last ten years; equivalent to one day of the 2006 Cheltenham Festival or one average Grand National.

All the top riders pulled out of the cross country section of Badminton this year because they considered the ground too hard.

....and two horses died.

If the travelling community are such an 'easy target' as you suggest, why are they not being attacked by the animal welfare groups or investigated by the Police or the animal welfare charities? Because they fear retaliation – that's why.

From the newspaper article quoted by Grimmy -

>>MP for Penrith and the Border David Maclean is urging a "fundamental rethink" over the fair,
>>while animal welfare charities are calling for the practice of washing horses in the
>>River Eden to be banned.

Don't tar everyone with the same brush, just because its your only argument.

I quite agree. I'm sure it's not something you would ever do yourself, PA.