The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102519   Message #2089404
Posted By: Richard Bridge
28-Jun-07 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: UK Licensing act, 2003 - recent activity
Subject: RE: UK Licensing act, 2003 - recent activity
You really only need to read paragraphs 3.18 to 3.31 of the main new guidance.

1. It is the same old same old lies - for example the lie that "spontaneous music" is not regulated. There is no such exemption in the act. Their argument is transparent. If spontaneous music starts, and the controller of the premises does not stop it then he makes the premises available for it. Similarly their argument that a charge made by a band to a host cannot make the entertainment or facilities "provided witha view to profit" is simply drivel.
2. There is nothing significant and helpful there.
3. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the guidance CANNOT as a matter of law change the meaning of the Act.
4. They do point out that there is no definition of "incidental" in the Act. Well I wonder who told them that several times while the Act was a Bill?

The politician's and civil sernant's motto. If at first you aren't believed - lie again.