The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102853   Message #2089580
Posted By: Ebbie
28-Jun-07 - 08:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Non Smokers thread England UK
Subject: RE: BS: Non Smokers thread England UK
I remember when I used to smoke in my car, from time when I'd wash the inside of the windshield (windscreen)how greasy black my cleaning cloth would become. Didn't stop me smoking, though.

I smoked for more than 25 years and while I regret the useless waste of money and the risks I took with my lungs, the part that mortifies me is how unthinking I was. I dnn't think it was arrogance, exactly- it's more that it never occurred to me that I couldn't indulge myself. After all, I had the habit... Surely everyone recognized that I couldn't help myself? *G*