The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102703   Message #2089742
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
29-Jun-07 - 03:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Great White Father knows best...? (Australia)
Subject: RE: BS: Great White Father knows best...? (Austral
Watched this on TV.

'Johnny's Newbies' wandered in, and spoke many fine flowery words of greeting to 'the locals' in front of the Press.

They then told the Press to bugger off as they wished to 'talk seriously to the locals'.

The locals expressed the opinion that THEY didn't think that 'Johnny's Newbies' COULD say anything to the locals that THEY would not be comfortable with the Press hearing!

After 'Johnny's Newbies' had wandered off to the next camp, the locals expressed great puzzlement - they said that they thought that 'Johnny's Newbies' were coming to speak to them 'with all the answers', but all they did was ask the locals 'what they wanted'....


I'm not making this up you know!
