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Thread #102703   Message #2090475
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
29-Jun-07 - 07:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Great White Father knows best...? (Australia)
Subject: RE: BS: Great White Father knows best...? (Austral
What I do not see is an honest "Let's put our heads together and see what we can do to protect the kids" kind of approach from anyone. This is far more important than any racial issue.

probably too hard - we (= They) are are in the middle of a nasty political fight, & being nice is probably impossible. Apparently the Opposition leader is (was?) a good mate of one of the Govt Ministers but you wouldn't think so after hearing the Minister speaking about the Opposition leader. Apparently there are friendships between individual people on both sides, but I wonder if they will last - I also wonder at times if they choreograph these verbal fights!

In recent times we have had lotsa' stories about what THEY (ie the enemy who wants to stay in power/take power) did/said - she did this, he did that, no I didn't, yes you did, you're all liars, no we're not - it's you who are liars ....

Parliament often reminds me of playground arguments & I usually turn off whenever news programs offer snippets showing what's happening.


strangely enough it's getting hard to find stories! We have more floods - in Victoria, this time, & the grounded ship in Newcastle is taking many headlines as salvage experts try to shift it (cables breaking ...) & now explosive filled cars are found in London (I assume someone is creating a thread as I type?)

the latest story on ABC News, also check out the video & audio links on the page

front page of Sydney's broadsheet - scroll way down to Opinion for Mike Carlton's
Histrionics up north as moral compass veers south, the only mention of this story. It's an excellent overview of the situation.