The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99746   Message #2090527
Posted By: Bobert
29-Jun-07 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poverty in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Poverty in the USA
Okay, I want to talk about My Senator, Jim Webb... Yeah, he used to be a Republican... He was Reagan's Secretary of the Navy... He voted for George Bush on 2000...

But then he started thinking about why it is that our country has not addresed the increasingly vast gap between the rich and the poor and decided that the Republicans weren't ever going to have any interst in dealing with the issue so he ran and was elected as a Democrat this past November...

And this from a conservative and very much "red" state"!!!

Well, he is having a difficult time jump starting the issue of poverty and income gaps within the Democratic Party... As I have mentioned, John Edwards has staked out this issue as the cenetrpiece of his campaign but, as yet, it hasn't taken any traction... I understand that "framing" is a difficult task and when the media is owned by folks who don't wnat this issue to gain traction, it becomes even more difficult for John Edwrads and my Senator Webb but...'s not hopeless... When the middle class catches on to the corportist/industrialist's game the tables will trun quickly... Movements are kinda like storms and can catch on real quicklyy in these days of ***tribalization*** where folks seem to be like schools of fish changing direction... I feel it... I hear it in the words of the very Republican people that live in my communtiy... Poeple are sick and tired of being taken advantage of... These are middle class people and I am beginning to see that it's going to take these folks daying, "We ain't takin' no more of yer crap" that will open up the dialogue that is needed to get the war on poverty back on course...

Yeah, the current Democratic Party may not be up to the task right now but they can't possibly be stupid enough not to sieze on the discontent of the middle class and change the conversation... If not, then a viable 3rd party will take up the slack...

I'd love to see that party being the Green Party that I have supported for a long time but I believe it has been trivialized so I am open to a new 3rd party..

No matter, the revolution has begun... This will get dealt with... The corportist/industrialists have history of not getting it until things get very uncomfy for them... That time is coming...

Yes, our country has put off some important discussions... This one we have been having here in this thread is as important as any...
