The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102846   Message #2090625
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
29-Jun-07 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spark Plug Ceramics Breaking Windows
Subject: RE: BS: Spark Plug Ceramics Breaking Windows
"a toughened windscreen shattered, whilst we were going about 65mph. A vivid memory. Instant blindness!"

My dad did lots of gravel road driving in the 1960s, and on roads that were narrow single lane bitumen with loose gravel alongside.

'Hobby Crafters' liked to use the glass fragments in flower displays (around the base) etc, so he often used to bring bags of the stuff home - there were always piles on the side of the road...

I remember that before laminated screens became common - not sure if they are now mandatory under ADRs - there were screens that had a special area in front of the drivers face that stayed clear when teh rest went opaque.