The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99746   Message #2091267
Posted By: Bobert
30-Jun-07 - 09:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poverty in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Poverty in the USA
Just a couple thoughts...

First of all, Kipp, you are correct that folks are weary of paying taxes and seeing that things aren't getting better for them... This is true of 95% of wage earners because the share that they get back in services doesn't equal the amount of money taken out of their pay checks...

(Well, Bobert, where is it going???)

Glad you asked... It is going to the upper 5%... Yes, what we have is a so-called trickel down economy but in reality it's trickling up and away from the working class and the poor...

So, yeah, the average guy is purdy p.o.'d these days... Problem is is that he is blaming the wrong folks... It ain't the poor who are bleeding him... It's the rich... But the rich own the media and spend big PR $$$$'s to run all kinds of misinformation that distracts the workling class from the ***truth*** so we still have the sterotype welfare-caddillac lie being told which is a copmplete and total falsehood while the rich pillage and steal whatever they want...

Janie will tell you the same thing... In mu 20 years in various programs I never met one poor person who owned a Cadillac... Not one and I'd dare say that over that time period I dealt with well over a thousand clients....

But we still have the right wing corportist spreading these lies to keep the working class off their backs...

And to GUEST, yes, the health care system is completely broken... So is health insurance... The lesson which is now being learned by millions of working Americans is not to go to the doctor if they need to becuase by doing so the health insurers will raise your rate way beyond treatment... Yer better off just doing home remdies for anytrhing short of cancer or gun shots...

I have learned that lesson myself over the last couple of years... Because I had a sciatic nerve situation which is controlled with stretching my insurnace company wanted to raise my monthly premium by over $1000... I think I'll be joining the 47 million without helath insurance real soon 'cause it was bad enough at $800 a month for two rerlatively healthy people and the $2000 a month is way beyond our means...

But this is a game that"Boss Hog" has complete control of seince their is no Congressional oversight and even if Congress tries to do something we have a president who is perfectly willing to cancle it out with a signing statement so right now the working poor and the working middle class are screwed...

This is why I feel that the next round of the revolution is very near... You can only squeeze folks but so hard and as hard as we have been squeezing the working poor which consists of mostly women and children you can bet that those just above them in terms of income are being equallu squeezed...
