The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102927   Message #2091295
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
30-Jun-07 - 09:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Education, Race 'n Community...
Subject: RE: BS: Jim Crow Back in Town...
Hi, Azizi! Not quite sure what you mean. Please expand.

I think there is much truth in the statement by Thomas.
Here in 'multicultural' Canada, where I am now, public schools have been much diminished as many parents have taken their children out of 'contact' situations. This has no bearing, however, on the integration problems in the United States.

If the contact is not handled correctly, it can lead to disruption of the system. My sole example from the States is Decatur, Georgia, because it is the only one in which I knew some of the participants. Decatur was a small town on the margins of metro Atlanta, nearly all white middle class demographics. Before busing, the high school was known for the quality of its work. Teaching staff included a few well-qualified African-American teachers had been added to the staff. The library was top quality, teachers and administrators having worked to build it up with the help of a trained library scientist (a sister-inlaw of mine).
The powers that be demanded integration of African-American students from metro Atlanta into the system to provide 'balance' and 'contact.' The metro Black' kids were bused into Decatur.
The school fell apart. Students spoke different languages, although called English. Their understanding of social interaction was mutually shocking to both groups. Teachers had no training or help and could not cope with the new charges. The library was destroyed. I remember my sister-inlaw's upset, to put it mildly.
Of course, the white students for the most part left and were enrolled in private facilities.
Decatur still has 'political' identity although, being a part of metro Atlanta, its demographics have changed considerably.

I am sure similar case histories influenced Justice Thomas and his collegues of the majority decision.

I am sure that the situation in much of the northeast and northern midwest, with different culture, would have been better handled.
The busing of students into different neighborhoods is a sore issue in the south and western cities, and many applaud the decision.

In the southwest, the problem was entirely different; the large Latino group complicated matters and the full impact of Court decisions made in far-off Washington was not felt.