The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102927   Message #2091296
Posted By: Bobert
30-Jun-07 - 10:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Education, Race 'n Community...
Subject: RE: BS: Jim Crow Back in Town...
Yeah, Mizzi...

I agree with you 100%...

"No Child Left Behind" is a cruel joke palyed mostly on predominaently balck schools in inner cities... Like these schools are supposed to correct a very screwed up social system??? And level the playing field between the haves and theve-nots???


No, "No Child Left Behind" is nuthin' put a punitive sysytem that allows for grater segregattion thru charter schools and tuition vouchers which don't de-segregate but re-segregate... It teaches rote memory as opposed to critical thinking... It is void of the arts... It is void of much of what it takes for adults to be informed and vote responsibly... It is a charade with a fancy name....

What we need for the future our our country is more diversity and more creativity, both of which the recent Supreme Court ruling and "No Child" set back decades... Maybe a century...

And, yeah, I know that Jim Crow has never been dead... I live in the South and I know what is in the hearts of way too many white people and it's "hatred"... What they hate is their own miserable predictaments but "Boss Hog" has convinced them that the reason that they are so miserable is because of balck people... And these folks don't have the crityical thinking skills to see that they are being used like pawns...

Just as Clarence Thmas is being used as a pawn...

I certainly hope and pray that we win the next revulotuion 'cause the US is running out of time...
