The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102927   Message #2091574
Posted By: GUEST,Dani
01-Jul-07 - 10:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Education, Race 'n Community...
Subject: RE: BS: Jim Crow Back in Town...
Below is a link to a series in the Washington Post investigating the school system there. There is SO much great information that points up and attempts to explain problems in one of the worst districts in the nation. The fact that I CAN EVEN WRITE THAT SENTENCE ought to piss us off enough to march out our front doors this morning!

What struck me, though, was a graph (I'll make you read around and find it yourself) that stretched down the right side of a page of newsprint, ranking district schools by poverty levels and proficiency. It was disturbing in its simplicity: poor equals poor-performing. I think most of us know that on some level, but this graph HAD to make people sit up straight and pay attention.

There was, however, ONE school that jumped out of the trend, and I wish I had time to go find out more and read about what's happening different there.

I'm so glad to see this discussion here. All due respect to you, Bobert, I wish we could change the title to invite the same kind of thought and discussion I see in the Poverty thread.
