The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102887   Message #2091652
Posted By: birdman blue
01-Jul-07 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: Learn to play the blues in seconds
Subject: RE: Learn to play the blues in seconds
wow, do I ever feel cheated. 46+ years of practice, study and perfecting performance wasted.... all I had to do was (wait) for this ingenious bit of software to come along and show me everything I needed to know about playing blues " seconds..." just think, with all the time saved thusly I could have become an accountant or a nuclear physicist or even a tenor horn player.... a wasted life, mis-spent perfecting a useless craft.... oh well. since I've already wasted my time, I believe I'll continue to keep playing the things that I've learned


actually, I found it quite funny.....I forwarded a link to a hyper-serious colleague in the hope of rattlin' his cage a bit.